The possession of a gift is coupled with a duty to use it for the benefit of all. A thrush is ​given the gift of song—and so has a responsibility to greet the day with music. Salmon have ​the gift of travel, so they accept the duty of carrying food upriver. So when we ask

ourselves, what is our responsibility to the Earth, we are also asking, “What is our gift?”

-Robin Wall Kimmerer

Organic Curved Line
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Jeremiah Commons is an established non-profit governed by a Board of Directors. We are pending

approval for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status with the IRS.

EIN: 93-3953743

Though we will be working with community partners and applying for grants, Jeremiah Commons will ​always be a community supported space. A space by the community and for the community.

Black Tree Silhouette

To raise funds

for the purchase

of land.

Our Goal...

Our hope is to have land in which to plant our ​vision by 2026. We would love to talk with you ​about some land we are looking at. If you’re ​interested, or have a creative idea for land, please ​reach out! Given the costs with this project, here ​are our two main goals right now:

Pledges and checks can

be mailed to us at:

Jeremiah Commons

133 W. Michigan Ave.

Jackson, MI 49201

To establish an ​endowment for taking ​care of the cemetery.

Your gift helps nurture the soil and the

community in so many ways.

You’re helping us take steps to:

  • Support individuals grieving loss
  • Protect and nourish wildlife habitat
  • Create space for children and adults to ​explore nature
  • Reintroduce native species
  • Provide fresh, healthy, and local food to ​anyone who is hungry
  • Remove invasive species
  • And much more...

Nature cannot be regarded

as something separate

from ourselves or as a

mere setting in which we

live. We are part of nature,

included in it and thus in

constant interaction with it.

- Pope Francis

Sign up for our Community Newsletter!


517.879.7829 (call/text)

133 W. Michigan Ave. Jackson, MI 49201

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